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About Punjab School

School Information

School Information

Punjab school ( ) is a web based online educational institute. it is a property of Bliss Incredible company

Registered & maintained under section 59 of Indian partnership act 1932. bliss incredible is providing Home Care Services & Industrial Services since year 2011, Punjab School is also one of its services.

For more information about Bliss Incredible Please visit on company's website :

Girls at Recess

Principal's Message 

An educational institution is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete but also about building character and enriching the minds with enriching experiences. Life is not a set of instructions but a series of experiences during the learning process. We believe in learning by capturing a set of experiences which enable us to explore a new realm of wisdom.


The school has grown in strength and has been achieving success in all directions of educational endeavours ranging from senior scholastic to Nursery scholastic activities. Efforts of the students are noteworthy as it is they who have brought name and fame to the school. Above all there is a focus on value education and a renewed effort to pursue and enrich our basic moral values and cultural heritage coupled with a sense of social responsibility.

 I believe that education is a joint responsibility of teachers and the parents. The time spent by the parent with the children is an investment towards their development, progress and well being which in the long run will definitely help in their bright career prospects. We have a common goal to achieve and that is, a bright future of the child. A sincere teacher who works with a full enthusiasm is praise worthy as her efforts in the students live have paid dividends and has taken the school to newer heights.

 I acknowledge with utmost appreciation and gratitude the confidence entrusted by all the parents in our institution. It is well said that praise and prayers are the first means of growth and so I pray to almighty God to shower his blessings which will enable us to meet new challenges in future.



Principal's Message 

Meet Our Teachers

Tina Alba

1st Grade

Mark Jones
Reece Peters

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

Administrative Authorities 

Grace Squires

Founder & CEO

Aiden Paul

Managing Director / Chairmen

Robert Sanders

Director / Vice Chairmen

Admin Block Staff

Professional Female


Music Teacher
Robin Lee

Admission Incharge 

Sorting Books
Vinay bhat

Library Incharge

Admin Block
Contact List

Contact Detail of Staff Members

Sr. No.
Position / ID Code
Subject / Working As
Mobile No.

Quick Links


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